Porch Contributor Guide

Changing Porch API

If you change the API resources, in api/porch/.../*.go, update the generated code by running:

make generate


Porch comprises of several software components:

  • api: Definition of the KRM API supported by the Porch extension apiserver
  • porchctl: CLI command tool for administration of Porch Repository and PackageRevision custom resources.
  • apiserver: The Porch apiserver implementation, REST handlers, Porch main function
  • engine: Core logic of Package Orchestration - operations on package contents
  • func: KRM function evaluator microservice; exposes gRPC API
  • repository: Repository integration package
  • git: Integration with Git repository.
  • oci: Integration with OCI repository.
  • cache: Package caching.
  • controllers: Repository CRD. No controller; Porch apiserver watches these resources for changes as repositories are (un-)registered.
  • test: Test Git Server for Porch e2e testing, and e2e tests.

Running Porch

See dedicated documentation on running Porch:

Build the Container Images

Build Docker images of Porch components:

# Build Images
make build-images

# Push Images to Docker Registry
make push-images

# Supported make variables:
# IMAGE_TAG      - image tag, i.e. 'latest' (defaults to 'latest')
# GCP_PROJECT_ID - GCP project hosting gcr.io repository (will translate to gcr.io/${GCP_PROJECT_ID})
# IMAGE_REPO     - overwrites the default image repository

# Example:
IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) make push-images

Running Locally

Follow the Running Porch Locally guide to run Porch locally.


To debug Porch, run Porch locally running-locally.md, exit porch server running in the shell, and launch Porch under the debugger. VSCode debug session is pre-configured in launch.json.

Update the launch arguments to your needs.

Code Pointers

Some useful code pointers:

Running Tests

All tests can be run using make test. Individual tests can be run using go test. End-to-End tests assume that Porch instance is running and KUBECONFIG is configured with the instance. The tests will automatically detect whether they are running against Porch running on local machien or k8s cluster and will start Git server appropriately, then run test suite against the Porch instance.

Makefile Targets

  • make generate: generate code based on Porch API definitions (runs k8s code generators)
  • make tidy: tidies all Porch modules
  • make fmt: formats golang sources
  • make build-images: builds Porch Docker images
  • make push-images: builds and pushes Porch Docker images
  • make deployment-config: customizes configuration which installs Porch in k8s cluster with correct image names, annotations, service accounts. The deployment-ready configuration is copied into ./.build/deploy
  • make deploy: deploys Porch in the k8s cluster configured with current kubectl context
  • make push-and-deploy: builds, pushes Porch Docker images, creates deployment configuration, and deploys Porch
  • make or make all: builds and runs Porch locally
  • make test: runs tests

VS Code

VS Code works really well for editing and debugging. Just open VSCode from the root folder of the Porch repository and it will work fine. The folder contains the needed configuration to Launch different functions of Porch.