Installation on GCE

Step by step guide to install Nephio on GCE


This Installation Guide will set up and run a Nephio demonstration environment. This environment is a single VM that will be used in the exercises to simulate a topology with a Nephio management cluster and three workload clusters.

Installing on GCE

GCE Prerequisites

You will need an account in GCP and gcloud installed on your local environment.

Create a Virtual Machine on GCE

gcloud compute instances create --machine-type e2-standard-16 \
                                    --boot-disk-size 200GB \
                                    --image-family=ubuntu-2004-lts \
                                    --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
                                    --metadata=startup-script-url=,nephio-test-infra-branch=v3.0.0 \

Follow the Installation on GCE

If you want to watch the progress of the installation, give it about 30 seconds to reach a network accessible state, and then ssh in and tail the startup script execution:

gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@nephio-r3-e2e -- \
                sudo journalctl -u google-startup-scripts.service --follow

Access to the User Interfaces

Once it is completed, ssh in and port forward the port to the UI (7007) and to Gitea’s HTTP interface, if desired (3000):

gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@nephio-r3-e2e -- \
                -L 7007:localhost:7007 \
                -L 3000: \
                kubectl port-forward --namespace=nephio-webui svc/nephio-webui 7007

You can now navigate to:

Open Terminal

You will probably want a second ssh window open to run kubectl commands, etc., without the port forwarding (which would fail if you try to open a second ssh connection with that setting).

gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@nephio-r3-e2e

Next Steps