Using Porch with the kpt CLI

This document is focused on using Porch via the kpt CLI.

Installation of Porch, including prerequisites, is covered in a dedicated document.


To use Porch, you will need:

Make sure that your kubectl context is set up for kubectl to interact with the correct Kubernetes instance (see installation instructions or the running-locally guide for details).

To check whether kubectl is configured with your Porch cluster (or local instance), run:

kubectl api-resources | grep porch

You should see the following four resourceds listed:

repositories                  true         Repository
packagerevisionresources                 true         PackageRevisionResources
packagerevisions                     true         PackageRevision
functions                            true         Function

Porch Resources

Porch server manages the following resources:

  1. repositories: a repository (Git or OCI) can be registered with Porch to support discovery or management of KRM configuration packages in those repositories, or discovery of KRM functions in those repositories.
  2. packagerevisions: a specific revision of a KRM configuration package managed by Porch in one of the registered repositories. This resource represents a metadata view of the KRM configuration package.
  3. packagerevisionresources: this resource represents the contents of the configuration package (KRM resources contained in the package)
  4. functions: function resource represents a KRM function discovered in a repository registered with Porch. Functions are only supported with OCI repositories.

Repository Registration

To use Porch with a Git repository, you will need:

  • A Git repository for your blueprints.
  • A Personal Access Token (when using GitHub repository) for Porch to authenticate with the repository. Porch requires the ‘repo’ scope.
  • Or Basic Auth credentials for Porch to authenticate with the repository.

To use Porch with an OCI repository ( Artifact Registry or Google Container Registry), first make sure to:

  • Enable workload identity for Porch
  • Assign appropriate roles to the Porch workload identity service account ($(GCP_PROJECT_ID) to have appropriate level of access to your OCI repository.

Use the kpt alpha repo register command to register your repository with Porch:

GITHUB_USERNAME=<your github username>
GITHUB_TOKEN=<GitHub Personal Access Token>

$ kpt alpha repo register \
  --namespace default \
  --repo-basic-username=${GITHUB_USERNAME} \
  --repo-basic-password=${GITHUB_TOKEN} \${GITHUB_USERNAME}/blueprints.git

All command line flags supported:

  • --directory - Directory within the repository where to look for packages.
  • --branch - Branch in the repository where finalized packages are committed (defaults to main).
  • --name - Name of the package repository Kubernetes resource. If unspecified, will default to the name portion (last segment) of the repository URL (blueprint in the example above)
  • --description - Brief description of the package repository.
  • --deployment - Boolean value; If specified, repository is a deployment repository; published packages in a deployment repository are considered deployment-ready.
  • --repo-basic-username - Username for repository authentication using basic auth.
  • --repo-basic-password - Password for repository authentication using basic auth.

Additionally, common kubectl command line flags for controlling aspects of interaction with the Kubernetes apiserver, logging, and more (this is true for all kpt CLI commands which interact with Porch).

Use the kpt alpha repo get command to query registered repositories:

$ kpt alpha repo get

blueprints   git   Package              True
deployments  git   Package  true        True

The kpt alpha <group> get commands support common kubectl flags to format output, for example kpt alpha repo get --output=yaml.

The command kpt alpha repo unregister can be used to unregister a repository:

$ kpt alpha repo unregister deployments --namespace default

Package Discovery And Introspection

The kpt alpha rpkg command group contains commands for interacting with packages managed by the Package Orchestration service. the r prefix used in the command group name stands for ‘remote’.

The kpt alpha rpkg get command list the packages in registered repositories:

$ kpt alpha rpkg get

NAME                                                 PACKAGE  WORKSPACENAME  REVISION  LATEST  LIFECYCLE  REPOSITORY
blueprints-0349d71330b89ee48ac85167598ef23021fd0484  basens   main           main      false   Published  blueprints
blueprints-2e47615fda05664491f72c58b8ab658683afa036  basens   v1             v1        true    Published  blueprints
blueprints-7e2fe44bfdbb744d49bdaaaeac596200102c5f7c  istions  main           main      false   Published  blueprints
blueprints-ac6e872be4a4a3476922deca58cca3183b16a5f7  istions  v1             v1        false   Published  blueprints
blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3  istions  v2             v2        true    Published  blueprints

The LATEST column indicates whether the package revision is the latest among the revisions of the same package. In the output above, v2 is the latest revision of istions package and v1 is the latest revision of basens package.

The LIFECYCLE column indicates the lifecycle stage of the package revision, one of: Published, Draft or Proposed.

The REVISION column indicates the revision of the package. Revisions are assigned when a package is Published and starts at v1.

The WORKSPACENAME column indicates the workspace name of the package. The workspace name is assigned when a draft revision is created and is used as the branch name for proposed and draft package revisions. The workspace name must be must be unique among package revisions in the same package.

Simple filtering of package revisions by name (substring) and revision (exact match) is supported by the CLI using --name and --revision flags:

$ kpt alpha rpkg get --name istio --revision=v2

NAME                                                 PACKAGE  WORKSPACENAME  REVISION  LATEST  LIFECYCLE  REPOSITORY
blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3  istions  v2             v2        true    Published  blueprints

The common kubectl flags that control output format are available as well:

$ kpt alpha rpkg get blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3 -ndefault -oyaml

kind: PackageRevision
  labels: "true"
  name: blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3
  namespace: default
  lifecycle: Published
  packageName: istions
  repository: blueprints
  revision: v2
  workspaceName: v2

The kpt alpha rpkg pull command can be used to read the package resources.

The command can be used to print the package revision resources as ResourceList to stdout, which enables chaining evaluation of functions on the package revision pulled from the Package Orchestration server.

$ kpt alpha rpkg pull blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3 -ndefault

kind: ResourceList
- apiVersion:
  kind: Kptfile
    name: istions

Or, the package contents can be saved on local disk for direct introspection or editing:

$ kpt alpha rpkg pull blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3 ./istions -ndefault

$ find istions


Authoring Packages

Several commands in the kpt alpha rpkg group support package authoring:

  • init - Initializes a new package revision in the target repository.
  • clone - Creates a clone of a source package in the target repository.
  • copy - Creates a new package revision from an existing one.
  • push - Pushes package resources into a remote package.
  • del - Deletes one or more packages in registered repositories.

The kpt alpha rpkg init command can be used to initialize a new package revision. Porch server will create and initialize a new package (as a draft) and save it in the specified repository.

$ kpt alpha rpkg init new-package --repository=deployments --workspace=v1 -ndefault

deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 created

$ kpt alpha rpkg get

NAME                                                  PACKAGE      WORKSPACENAME  REVISION  LATEST  LIFECYCLE  REPOSITORY
deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764  new-package  v1                       false   Draft      deployments

The new package is created in the Draft lifecycle stage. This is true also for all commands that create new package revision (init, clone and copy).

Additional flags supported by the kpt alpha rpkg init command are:

  • --repository - Repository in which the package will be created.
  • --workspace - Workspace of the new package.
  • --description - Short description of the package.
  • --keywords - List of keywords for the package.
  • --site - Link to page with information about the package.

Use kpt alpha rpkg clone command to create a downstream package by cloning an upstream package:

$ kpt alpha rpkg clone blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3 istions-clone \
  --repository=deployments -ndefault
deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 created

# Confirm the package revision was created
kpt alpha rpkg get deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 -ndefault
NAME                                                   PACKAGE         WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82   istions-clone   v1                         false    Draft       deployments

kpt alpha rpkg clone can also be used to clone packages that are in repositories not registered with Porch, for example:

$ kpt alpha rpkg clone \ cloned-bucket \
  --directory=catalog/bucket \
  --ref=main \
  --repository=deployments \
deployments-e06c2f6ec1afdd8c7d977fcf204e4d543778ddac created

# Confirm the package revision was created
kpt alpha rpkg get deployments-e06c2f6ec1afdd8c7d977fcf204e4d543778ddac -ndefault
NAME                                                   PACKAGE         WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
deployments-e06c2f6ec1afdd8c7d977fcf204e4d543778ddac   cloned-bucket   v1                         false    Draft       deployments

The flags supported by the kpt alpha rpkg clone command are:

  • --directory - Directory within the upstream repository where the upstream package is located.
  • --ref - Ref in the upstream repository where the upstream package is located. This can be a branch, tag, or SHA.
  • --repository - Repository to which package will be cloned (downstream repository).
  • --workspace - Workspace to assign to the downstream package.
  • --strategy - Update strategy that should be used when updating this package; one of: resource-merge, fast-forward, force-delete-replace.

The kpt alpha rpkg copy command can be used to create a new revision of an existing package. It is a means to modifying an already published package revision.

$ kpt alpha rpkg copy \
  blueprints-421a5b5e43b03bc697d96f471929efc6ba3f54b3 \
  --workspace=v3 -ndefault

# Confirm the package revision was created
$ kpt alpha rpkg get blueprints-bf11228f80de09f1a5dd9374dc92ebde3b503689 -ndefault
NAME                                                  PACKAGE   WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
blueprints-bf11228f80de09f1a5dd9374dc92ebde3b503689   istions   v3                         false    Draft       blueprints

The kpt alpha rpkg push command can be used to update the resources (package contents) of a package draft:

$ kpt alpha rpkg pull \
  deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 ./new-package -ndefault

# Make edits using your favorite YAML editor, for example adding a new resource
$ cat <<EOF > ./new-package/config-map.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: example-config-map
  color: orange

# Push the updated contents to the Package Orchestration server, updating the
# package contents.
$ kpt alpha rpkg push \
  deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 ./new-package -ndefault

# Confirm that the remote package now includes the new ConfigMap resource
$ kpt alpha rpkg pull deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 -ndefault

kind: ResourceList
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    name: example-config-map
    color: orange

Package revision can be deleted using kpt alpha rpkg del command:

# Delete package revision
$ kpt alpha rpkg del blueprints-bf11228f80de09f1a5dd9374dc92ebde3b503689 -ndefault

blueprints-bf11228f80de09f1a5dd9374dc92ebde3b503689 deleted

Package Lifecycle and Approval Flow

Authoring is performed on the package revisions in the Draft lifecycle stage. Before a package can be deployed or cloned, it must be Published. The approval flow is the process by which the package is advanced from Draft state through Proposed state and finally to Published lifecycle stage.

The commands used to manage package lifecycle stages include:

  • propose - Proposes to finalize a package revision draft
  • approve - Approves a proposal to finalize a package revision.
  • reject - Rejects a proposal to finalize a package revision

In the Authoring Packages section above we created several draft packages and in this section we will create proposals for publishing some of them.

# List package revisions to identify relevant drafts:
$ kpt alpha rpkg get
NAME                                                   PACKAGE         WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
deployments-e06c2f6ec1afdd8c7d977fcf204e4d543778ddac   cloned-bucket   v1                         false    Draft       deployments
deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82   istions-clone   v1                         false    Draft       deployments
deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764   new-package     v1                         false    Draft       deployments

# Propose two package revisions to be be published
$ kpt alpha rpkg propose \
  deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 \
  deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 \

deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 proposed
deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 proposed

# Confirm the package revisions are now Proposed
$ kpt alpha rpkg get
NAME                                                   PACKAGE         WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
deployments-e06c2f6ec1afdd8c7d977fcf204e4d543778ddac   cloned-bucket   v1                         false    Draft       deployments
deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82   istions-clone   v1                         false    Proposed    deployments
deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764   new-package     v1                         false    Proposed    deployments

At this point, a person in platform administrator role, or even an automated process, will review and either approve or reject the proposals. To aid with the decision, the platform administrator may inspect the package contents using the commands above, such as kpt alpha rpkg pull.

# Approve a proposal to publish a package revision
$ kpt alpha rpkg approve deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 -ndefault
deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 approved

# Reject a proposal to publish a package revision
$ kpt alpha rpkg reject deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 -ndefault
deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764 rejected

Now the user can confirm lifecycle stages of the package revisions:

# Confirm package revision lifecycle stages after approvals:
$ kpt alpha rpkg get
NAME                                                   PACKAGE         WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
deployments-e06c2f6ec1afdd8c7d977fcf204e4d543778ddac   cloned-bucket   v1                         false    Draft       deployments
deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82   istions-clone   v1              v1         true     Published   deployments
deployments-c32b851b591b860efda29ba0e006725c8c1f7764   new-package     v1                         false    Draft       deployments

Observe that the rejected proposal returned the package revision back to Draft lifecycle stage. The package whose proposal was approved is now in Published state.

Deploying a Package

Commands used in the context of deploying a package include are in the kpt alpha sync command group (named sync to emphasize that Config Sync is the deploying mechanism and that configuration is being synchronized with the actuation target as a means of deployment) and include:

  • create - Creates a sync of a package in the deployment cluster.
  • del - Deletes the package RootSync.
  • get - Gets a RootSync resource with which package was deployed.
# Make sure Config Sync is configured to use multirepo mode
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
# config-management.yaml
kind: ConfigManagement
  name: config-management
  enableMultiRepo: true

# Create a sync resource to deploy a package using Config Sync
$ kpt alpha sync create -ndefault \
  --package=deployments-11ca1db650fa4bfa33deeb7f488fbdc50cdb3b82 \

Created RootSync config-management-system/sync-istions-clone

# Get the status of the sync resource
$ kpt alpha sync get sync-istions-clone -oyaml
kind: RootSync
  name: sync-istions-clone
  namespace: config-management-system

# Delete the sync resource
$ kpt alpha sync delete sync-istions-clone
Deleting synced resources
Waiting for deleted resources to be removed
Sync sync-istions-clone successfully deleted