Install and use Porch

A tutorial to install and use Porch

This tutorial is a guide to installing and using Porch. It is based on the Porch demo produced by Tal Liron of Google. Users should be very comfortable with using git, docker, and kubernetes.

See also the Nephio Learning Resource page for background help and information.


The tutorial can be executed on a Linux VM or directly on a laptop. It has been verified to execute on a Macbook Pro M1 machine and an Ubuntu 20.04 VM.

The following software should be installed prior to running through the tutorial:

  1. git
  2. Docker
  3. kubectl
  4. kind
  5. kpt
  6. The go programming language
  7. Visual Studio Code
  8. VS Code extensions for go

Clone the repo and cd into the tutorial

git clone

cd porch/examples/tutorials/starting-with-porch/

Create the Kind clusters for management and edge1

Create the clusters:

kind create cluster --config=kind_management_cluster.yaml
kind create cluster --config=kind_edge1_cluster.yaml

Output the kubectl config for the clusters:

kind get kubeconfig --name=management > ~/.kube/kind-management-config
kind get kubeconfig --name=edge1 > ~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

Toggling kubectl between the clusters:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-management-config

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

Install MetalLB on the management cluster

Install the MetalLB load balancer on the management cluster to expose services:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-management-config
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --namespace metallb-system \
                --for=condition=ready pod \
                --selector=component=controller \

Check the subnet that is being used by the kind network in docker

docker network inspect kind | grep Subnet

Sample output:

"Subnet": "",
"Subnet": "fc00:f853:ccd:e793::/64"

Edit the metallb-conf.yaml file and ensure the spec.addresses range is in the IPv4 subnet being used by the kind network in docker.


Apply the MetalLB configuration:

kubectl apply -f metallb-conf.yaml

Deploy and set up gitea on the management cluster using kpt

Get the gitea kpt package:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-management-config

cd kpt_packages

kpt pkg get

Comment out the preconfigured IP address from the gitea/service-gitea.yaml file in the gitea Kpt package:

>     #

Now render, init and apply the Gitea Kpt package:

kpt fn render gitea
kpt live init gitea # You only need to do this command once
kpt live apply gitea

Once the package is applied, all the gitea pods should come up and you should be able to reach the Gitea UI on the exposed IP Address/port of the gitea service.

kubectl get svc -n gitea gitea

NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                       AGE
gitea   LoadBalancer   22:31305/TCP,3000:31102/TCP   10m

The UI is available at in the example above.

To login to Gitea, use the credentials nephio:secret.

Create repositories on Gitea for management and edge1

On the gitea UI, click the ‘+’ opposite “Repositories” and fill in the form for both the management and edge1 repositories. Use default values except for the following fields:

  • Repository Name: “Management” or “edge1”
  • Description: Something appropriate

Alternatively, we can create the repos via curl:

curl -k -H "content-type: application/json" "http://nephio:secret@" --data '{"name":"management"}'

curl -k -H "content-type: application/json" "http://nephio:secret@" --data '{"name":"edge1"}'

Check the repos:

 curl -k -H "content-type: application/json" "http://nephio:secret@" | grep -Po '"name": *\K"[^"]*"'

Now initialize both repos with an initial commit.

Initialize the management repo

cd ../repos
git clone
cd management

git init
git checkout -b main
git config nephio
git add

git commit -m "first commit"
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin http://nephio:secret@
git remote -v
git push -u origin main
cd ..

Initialize the edge1 repo

git clone
cd edge1

git init
git checkout -b main
git config nephio
git add

git commit -m "first commit"
git remote remove origin
git remote add origin http://nephio:secret@
git remote -v
git push -u origin main
cd ../../

Install Porch

We will use the Porch Kpt package from Nephio catalog repo.

cd kpt_packages

kpt pkg get

Now we can install porch. We render the kpt package and then init and apply it.

kpt fn render porch
kpt live init porch # You only need to do this command once
kpt live apply porch

Check that the Porch PODs are running on the management cluster:

kubectl get pod -n porch-system
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
function-runner-7994f65554-nrzdh     1/1     Running   0          81s
function-runner-7994f65554-txh9l     1/1     Running   0          81s
porch-controllers-7fb4497b77-2r2r6   1/1     Running   0          81s
porch-server-68bfdddbbf-pfqsm        1/1     Running   0          81s

Check that the Porch CRDs and other resources have been created:

kubectl api-resources | grep porch   
packagerevs                                    true         PackageRev
packagevariants                                true         PackageVariant
packagevariantsets                             true         PackageVariantSet
repositories                                   true         Repository
functions                                             true         Function
packagerevisionresources                              true         PackageRevisionResources
packagerevisions                                      true         PackageRevision
packages                                              true         Package

Connect the Gitea repositories to Porch

Create a demo namespace:

kubectl create namespace porch-demo

Create a secret for the Gitea credentials in the demo namespace:

kubectl create secret generic gitea \
    --namespace=porch-demo \ \
    --from-literal=username=nephio \

Now, define the Gitea repositories in Porch:

kubectl apply -f porch-repositories.yaml

Check that the repositories have been correctly created:

kubectl get repositories -n porch-demo
edge1                 git    Package   true         True
external-blueprints   git    Package   false        True
management            git    Package   false        True

Configure configsync on the workload cluster

Configsync is installed on the edge1 cluster so that it syncs the contents of the edge1 repository onto the edge1 workload cluster. We will use the configsync package from Nephio.

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

cd kpt_packages

kpt pkg get
kpt fn render configsync
kpt live init configsync
kpt live apply configsync

Check that the configsync PODs are up and running:

kubectl get pod -n config-management-system
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
config-management-operator-6946b77565-f45pc   1/1     Running   0          118m
reconciler-manager-5b5d8557-gnhb2             2/2     Running   0          118m

Now, we need to set up a Rootsync CR to synchronize the edge1 repo:

kpt pkg get

Edit the rootsync/package-context.yaml file to set the name of the cluster/repo we are syncing from/to:

<   name: example-rootsync
>   name: edge1

Render the package. This configures the rootsync/rootsync.yaml file in the Kpt package:

kpt fn render rootsync

Edit the rootsync/rootsync.yaml file to set the IP address of Gitea and to turn off authentication for accessing gitea:

<     repo:
>     repo:
<     auth: token
<     secretRef:
<       name: example-cluster-name-access-token-configsync
>     auth: none
> #    auth: token
> #    secretRef:
> #      name: edge1-access-token-configsync

Initialize and apply rootsync:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kpt live init rootsync # This command is only needed once
kpt live apply rootsync

Check that the RootSync CR is created:

kubectl get rootsync -n config-management-system
NAME    RENDERINGCOMMIT                            RENDERINGERRORCOUNT   SOURCECOMMIT                               SOURCEERRORCOUNT   SYNCCOMMIT                                 SYNCERRORCOUNT
edge1   613eb1ad5632d95c4336894f8a128cc871fb3266                         613eb1ad5632d95c4336894f8a128cc871fb3266                      613eb1ad5632d95c4336894f8a128cc871fb3266   

Check that Configsync is synchronized with the repo on the management cluster:

kubectl get pod -n config-management-system -l app=reconciler
NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
root-reconciler-edge1-68576f878c-92k54   4/4     Running   0          2d17h

kubectl logs -n config-management-system root-reconciler-edge1-68576f878c-92k54 -c git-sync -f

The result should be similar to:

INFO: detected pid 1, running init handler
I0105 17:50:11.472934      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="" "cmd"="git config --global gc.autoDetach false"
I0105 17:50:11.493046      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="" "cmd"="git config --global gc.pruneExpire now"
I0105 17:50:11.513487      15 main.go:473] "level"=0 "msg"="starting up" "pid"=15 "args"=["/git-sync","--root=/repo/source","--dest=rev","--max-sync-failures=30","--error-file=error.json","--v=5"]
I0105 17:50:11.514044      15 main.go:923] "level"=0 "msg"="cloning repo" "origin"="" "path"="/repo/source"
I0105 17:50:11.514061      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="" "cmd"="git clone -v --no-checkout -b main --depth 1 /repo/source"
I0105 17:50:11.706506      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git rev-parse HEAD"
I0105 17:50:11.729292      15 main.go:737] "level"=0 "msg"="syncing git" "rev"="HEAD" "hash"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:11.729332      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git fetch -f --tags --depth 1 main"
I0105 17:50:11.920110      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git cat-file -t 385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:11.945545      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git rev-parse 385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:11.967150      15 main.go:726] "level"=1 "msg"="removing worktree" "path"="/repo/source/385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:11.967359      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git worktree prune"
I0105 17:50:11.987522      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git worktree add --detach /repo/source/385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01 385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01 --no-checkout"
I0105 17:50:12.057698      15 main.go:772] "level"=0 "msg"="adding worktree" "path"="/repo/source/385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "branch"="origin/main"
I0105 17:50:12.057988      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "cmd"="git reset --hard 385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:12.099783      15 main.go:833] "level"=0 "msg"="reset worktree to hash" "path"="/repo/source/385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "hash"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:12.099805      15 main.go:838] "level"=0 "msg"="updating submodules"
I0105 17:50:12.099976      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "cmd"="git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1"
I0105 17:50:12.442466      15 main.go:694] "level"=1 "msg"="creating tmp symlink" "root"="/repo/source/" "dst"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "src"="tmp-link"
I0105 17:50:12.442494      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/" "cmd"="ln -snf 385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01 tmp-link"
I0105 17:50:12.453694      15 main.go:699] "level"=1 "msg"="renaming symlink" "root"="/repo/source/" "old_name"="tmp-link" "new_name"="rev"
I0105 17:50:12.453718      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/" "cmd"="mv -T tmp-link rev"
I0105 17:50:12.467904      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git gc --auto"
I0105 17:50:12.492329      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git cat-file -t HEAD"
I0105 17:50:12.518878      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source" "cmd"="git rev-parse HEAD"
I0105 17:50:12.540979      15 main.go:585] "level"=1 "msg"="next sync" "wait_time"=15000000000
I0105 17:50:27.553609      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/rev" "cmd"="git rev-parse HEAD"
I0105 17:50:27.600401      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/rev" "cmd"="git ls-remote -q refs/heads/main"
I0105 17:50:27.694035      15 main.go:1065] "level"=1 "msg"="no update required" "rev"="HEAD" "local"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "remote"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:27.694159      15 main.go:585] "level"=1 "msg"="next sync" "wait_time"=15000000000
I0105 17:50:42.695482      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/rev" "cmd"="git rev-parse HEAD"
I0105 17:50:42.733276      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/rev" "cmd"="git ls-remote -q refs/heads/main"
I0105 17:50:42.826422      15 main.go:1065] "level"=1 "msg"="no update required" "rev"="HEAD" "local"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "remote"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0105 17:50:42.826611      15 main.go:585] "level"=1 "msg"="next sync" "wait_time"=15000000000


I0108 11:04:05.935586      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/rev" "cmd"="git rev-parse HEAD"
I0108 11:04:05.981750      15 cmd.go:48] "level"=5 "msg"="running command" "cwd"="/repo/source/rev" "cmd"="git ls-remote -q refs/heads/main"
I0108 11:04:06.079536      15 main.go:1065] "level"=1 "msg"="no update required" "rev"="HEAD" "local"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01" "remote"="385295a2143f10a6cda0cf4609c45d7499185e01"
I0108 11:04:06.079599      15 main.go:585] "level"=1 "msg"="next sync" "wait_time"=15000000000

Exploring the Porch resources

We have configured three repositories in Porch:

kubectl get repositories -n porch-demo
edge1                 git    Package   true         True
external-blueprints   git    Package   false        True
management            git    Package   false        True

A repository is a CR of the Porch Repository CRD. You can examine the ‘’ CRD with either of the following commands (both of which are rather verbose):

kubectl get crd -n porch-system -o yaml
kubectl describe crd -n porch-system 

You can of course examine any other CRD using the commands above and changing the CRD name/namespace.

The full list of Nephio CRDs is as below:

kubectl api-resources         
NAME                       SHORTNAMES   APIVERSION               NAMESPACED   KIND
functions                        true         Function
packagerevisionresources         true         PackageRevisionResources
packagerevisions                 true         PackageRevision
packages                         true         Package

The PackageRevision CRD is used to keep track of revision (or version) of each package found in the repos.

kubectl get packagerevision -n porch-demo
NAME                                                           PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
external-blueprints-922121d0bcdd56bfa8cae6c375720e2b5f358ab0   free5gc-cp           main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9   free5gc-cp           v1              v1         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-716aae722092dbbb9470e56079b90ad76ec8f0d5   free5gc-operator     main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-d65dc89f7a2472650651e9aea90edfcc81a9afc6   free5gc-operator     v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-9fee880e8fa52066f052c9cae7aac2e2bc1b5a54   free5gc-operator     v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-91d60ee31d2d0a1a6d5f1807593d5419434accd3   free5gc-operator     v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-21f19a0641cf520e7dc6268e64c58c2c30c27036   free5gc-operator     v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-bf2e7522ee92680bd49571ab309e3f61320cf36d   free5gc-operator     v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-c1b9ecb73118e001ab1d1213e6a2c94ab67a0939   free5gc-upf          main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-5d48b1516e7b1ea15830ffd76b230862119981bd   free5gc-upf          v1              v1         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-ed97798b46b36d135cf23d813eccad4857dff90f   pkg-example-amf-bp   main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-ed744bfdf4a4d15d4fcf3c46fde27fd6ac32d180   pkg-example-amf-bp   v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-5489faa80782f91f1a07d04e206935d14c1eb24c   pkg-example-amf-bp   v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-16e2255bd433ef532684a3c1434ae0bede175107   pkg-example-amf-bp   v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-7689cc6c953fa83ea61283983ce966dcdffd9bae   pkg-example-amf-bp   v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-caff9609883eea7b20b73b7425e6694f8eb6adc3   pkg-example-amf-bp   v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-00b6673c438909975548b2b9f20c2e1663161815   pkg-example-smf-bp   main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-4f7dfbede99dc08f2b5144ca550ca218109c52f2   pkg-example-smf-bp   v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-3d9ab8f61ce1d35e264d5719d4b3c0da1ab02328   pkg-example-smf-bp   v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-2006501702e105501784c78be9e7d57e426d85e8   pkg-example-smf-bp   v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-c97ed7c13b3aa47cb257217f144960743aec1253   pkg-example-smf-bp   v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-3bd78e46b014dac5cc0c58788c1820d043d61569   pkg-example-smf-bp   v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-c3f660848d9d7a4df5481ec2e06196884778cd84   pkg-example-upf-bp   main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-4cb00a17c1ee2585d6c187ba4d0211da960c0940   pkg-example-upf-bp   v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-5903efe295026124e6fea926df154a72c5bd1ea9   pkg-example-upf-bp   v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-16142d8d23c1b8e868a9524a1b21634c79b432d5   pkg-example-upf-bp   v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-60ef45bb8f55b63556e7467f16088325022a7ece   pkg-example-upf-bp   v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-7757966cc7b965f1b9372370a4b382c8375a2b40   pkg-example-upf-bp   v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints

The PackageRevisionResources resource is an API Aggregation resource that Porch uses to wrap the GET URL for the package on its repo.

kubectl get packagerevisionresources  -n porch-demo
NAME                                                           PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   REPOSITORY            FILES
external-blueprints-922121d0bcdd56bfa8cae6c375720e2b5f358ab0   free5gc-cp           main            main       external-blueprints   28
external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9   free5gc-cp           v1              v1         external-blueprints   28
external-blueprints-716aae722092dbbb9470e56079b90ad76ec8f0d5   free5gc-operator     main            main       external-blueprints   14
external-blueprints-d65dc89f7a2472650651e9aea90edfcc81a9afc6   free5gc-operator     v1              v1         external-blueprints   11
external-blueprints-9fee880e8fa52066f052c9cae7aac2e2bc1b5a54   free5gc-operator     v2              v2         external-blueprints   11
external-blueprints-91d60ee31d2d0a1a6d5f1807593d5419434accd3   free5gc-operator     v3              v3         external-blueprints   14
external-blueprints-21f19a0641cf520e7dc6268e64c58c2c30c27036   free5gc-operator     v4              v4         external-blueprints   14
external-blueprints-bf2e7522ee92680bd49571ab309e3f61320cf36d   free5gc-operator     v5              v5         external-blueprints   14
external-blueprints-c1b9ecb73118e001ab1d1213e6a2c94ab67a0939   free5gc-upf          main            main       external-blueprints   6
external-blueprints-5d48b1516e7b1ea15830ffd76b230862119981bd   free5gc-upf          v1              v1         external-blueprints   6
external-blueprints-ed97798b46b36d135cf23d813eccad4857dff90f   pkg-example-amf-bp   main            main       external-blueprints   16
external-blueprints-ed744bfdf4a4d15d4fcf3c46fde27fd6ac32d180   pkg-example-amf-bp   v1              v1         external-blueprints   7
external-blueprints-5489faa80782f91f1a07d04e206935d14c1eb24c   pkg-example-amf-bp   v2              v2         external-blueprints   8
external-blueprints-16e2255bd433ef532684a3c1434ae0bede175107   pkg-example-amf-bp   v3              v3         external-blueprints   16
external-blueprints-7689cc6c953fa83ea61283983ce966dcdffd9bae   pkg-example-amf-bp   v4              v4         external-blueprints   16
external-blueprints-caff9609883eea7b20b73b7425e6694f8eb6adc3   pkg-example-amf-bp   v5              v5         external-blueprints   16
external-blueprints-00b6673c438909975548b2b9f20c2e1663161815   pkg-example-smf-bp   main            main       external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-4f7dfbede99dc08f2b5144ca550ca218109c52f2   pkg-example-smf-bp   v1              v1         external-blueprints   8
external-blueprints-3d9ab8f61ce1d35e264d5719d4b3c0da1ab02328   pkg-example-smf-bp   v2              v2         external-blueprints   9
external-blueprints-2006501702e105501784c78be9e7d57e426d85e8   pkg-example-smf-bp   v3              v3         external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-c97ed7c13b3aa47cb257217f144960743aec1253   pkg-example-smf-bp   v4              v4         external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-3bd78e46b014dac5cc0c58788c1820d043d61569   pkg-example-smf-bp   v5              v5         external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-c3f660848d9d7a4df5481ec2e06196884778cd84   pkg-example-upf-bp   main            main       external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-4cb00a17c1ee2585d6c187ba4d0211da960c0940   pkg-example-upf-bp   v1              v1         external-blueprints   8
external-blueprints-5903efe295026124e6fea926df154a72c5bd1ea9   pkg-example-upf-bp   v2              v2         external-blueprints   8
external-blueprints-16142d8d23c1b8e868a9524a1b21634c79b432d5   pkg-example-upf-bp   v3              v3         external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-60ef45bb8f55b63556e7467f16088325022a7ece   pkg-example-upf-bp   v4              v4         external-blueprints   17
external-blueprints-7757966cc7b965f1b9372370a4b382c8375a2b40   pkg-example-upf-bp   v5              v5         external-blueprints   17

Let’s examine the free5gc-cp v1 package.

The PackageRevision CR name for free5gc-cp v1 is external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9.

kubectl get packagerevision -n porch-demo external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9 -o yaml
kind: PackageRevision
  creationTimestamp: "2023-06-13T13:35:34Z"
  labels: "true"
  name: external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9
  namespace: porch-demo
  resourceVersion: 5fc9561dcd4b2630704c192e89887490e2ff3c61
  uid: uid:free5gc-cp:v1
  lifecycle: Published
  packageName: free5gc-cp
  repository: external-blueprints
  revision: v1
  workspaceName: v1
  publishTimestamp: "2023-06-13T13:35:34Z"
  upstreamLock: {}

Getting the PackageRevisionResources pulls the package from its repository with each file serialized into a name-value map of resources in it’s spec.

Open this to see the command and the result
kubectl get packagerevisionresources -n porch-demo external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9 -o yaml
kind: PackageRevisionResources
  creationTimestamp: "2023-06-13T13:35:34Z"
  name: external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9
  namespace: porch-demo
  resourceVersion: 5fc9561dcd4b2630704c192e89887490e2ff3c61
  uid: uid:free5gc-cp:v1
  packageName: free5gc-cp
  repository: external-blueprints
    Kptfile: |
      kind: Kptfile
        name: free5gc-cp
        description: this package represents free5gc NFs, which are required to perform E2E conn testing
          - image:
            configPath: package-context.yaml  "# free5gc-cp\n\n## Description\nPackage representing free5gc control
      plane NFs.\n\nPackage definition is based on [Towards5gs helm charts](,
      \nand service level configuration is preserved as defined there.\n\n### Network
      Functions (NFs)\n\nfree5gc project implements following NFs:\n\n\n| NF | Description
      | local-config |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| AMF | Access and Mobility Management
      Function | true |\n| AUSF | Authentication Server Function | false |\n| NRF
      | Network Repository Function | false |\n| NSSF | Network Slice Selection Function
      | false |\n| PCF | Policy Control Function | false |\n| SMF | Session Management
      Function | true |\n| UDM | Unified Data Management | false |\n| UDR | Unified
      Data Repository | false |\n\nalso Database and Web UI is defined:\n\n| Service
      | Description | local-config |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| mongodb | Database to
      store free5gc data | false |\n| webui | UI used to register UE | false |\n\nNote:
      `local-config: true` indicates that this resources won't be deployed to the
      workload cluster\n\n### Dependencies\n\n- `mongodb` requires `Persistent Volume`.
      We need to assure that dynamic PV provisioning will be available on the cluster\n-
      `NRF` should be running before other NFs will be instantiated\n    - all NFs
      packages contain `wait-nrf` init-container\n- `NRF` and `WEBUI` require DB\n
      \   - packages contain `wait-mongodb` init-container\n- `WEBUI` service is exposed
      as `NodePort` \n    - will be used to register UE on the free5gc side\n- Communication
      via `SBI` between NFs and communication with `mongodb` is defined using K8s
      `ClusterIP` services\n    - it forces you to deploy all NFs on a single cluster
      or consider including `service mesh` in a multi-cluster scenario\n\n## Usage\n\n###
      Fetch the package\n`kpt pkg get REPO_URI[.git]/PKG_PATH[@VERSION] free5gc-cp`\n\nDetails:\n\n### View package content\n`kpt pkg
      tree free5gc-cp`\n\nDetails:\n\n###
      Apply the package\n```\nkpt live init free5gc-cp\nkpt live apply free5gc-cp
      --reconcile-timeout=2m --output=table\n```\n\nDetails:\n\n"
    ausf/ausf-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:
      ausf-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n    app:
      free5gc\ndata:\n  ausfcfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.2\n      description:
      AUSF initial local configuration\n\n    configuration:\n      serviceNameList:\n
      \       - nausf-auth\n      \n      sbi:\n        scheme: http\n        registerIPv4:
      ausf-nausf  # IP used to register to NRF\n        bindingIPv4:      #
      IP used to bind the service\n        port: 80\n        tls:\n          key:
      config/TLS/ausf.key\n          pem: config/TLS/ausf.pem\n      \n      nrfUri:
      http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n      plmnSupportList:\n        - mcc: 208\n          mnc:
      93\n        - mcc: 123\n          mnc: 45\n      groupId: ausfGroup001\n      eapAkaSupiImsiPrefix:
      false\n\n    logger:\n      AUSF:\n        ReportCaller: false\n        debugLevel:
    ausf/ausf-deployment.yaml: "---\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: free5gc-ausf\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n
      \   project: free5gc\n    nf: ausf\nspec:\n  replicas: 1\n  selector:\n    matchLabels:\n
      \     project: free5gc\n      nf: ausf\n  template:\n    metadata:\n      labels:\n
      \       project: free5gc\n        nf: ausf\n    spec:\n      initContainers:\n
      \     - name: wait-nrf\n        image: towards5gs/initcurl:1.0.0\n        env:\n
      \       - name: DEPENDENCIES\n          value: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n        command:
      ['sh', '-c', 'set -x; for dependency in $DEPENDENCIES; do while [ $(curl --insecure
      --connect-timeout 1 -s -o /dev/null -w \"%{http_code}\" $dependency) -ne 200
      ]; do echo waiting for dependencies; sleep 1; done; done;']\n      \n      containers:\n
      \     - name: ausf\n        image: towards5gs/free5gc-ausf:v3.1.1\n        imagePullPolicy:
      IfNotPresent\n        securityContext:\n            {}\n        ports:\n        -
      containerPort: 80\n        command: [\"./ausf\"]\n        args: [\"-c\", \"../config/ausfcfg.yaml\"]\n
      \       env:\n          - name: GIN_MODE\n            value: release\n        volumeMounts:\n
      \       - mountPath: /free5gc/config/\n          name: ausf-volume\n        resources:\n
      \           limits:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \           requests:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \     dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst\n      restartPolicy: Always\n\n      volumes:\n
      \     - name: ausf-volume\n        projected:\n          sources:\n          -
      configMap:\n              name: ausf-configmap\n"
    ausf/ausf-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: ausf-nausf
          project: free5gc
          nf: ausf
        type: ClusterIP
          - port: 80
            targetPort: 80
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: ausf      
    mongodb/dep-sts.yaml: "---\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: StatefulSet\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: mongodb\n  namespace: default\n  labels:\n
      mongodb\n free5gc\n
      mongodb\nspec:\n  serviceName: mongodb\n  updateStrategy:\n    type: RollingUpdate\n
      \ selector:\n    matchLabels:\n mongodb\n
      free5gc\n mongodb\n  template:\n    metadata:\n
      \     labels:\n mongodb\n
      free5gc\n mongodb\n    spec:\n      \n      serviceAccountName:
      mongodb\n      affinity:\n        podAffinity:\n        podAntiAffinity:\n          preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:\n
      \           - podAffinityTerm:\n                labelSelector:\n                  matchLabels:\n
      \          mongodb\n          
      free5gc\n           mongodb\n                namespaces:\n
      \                 - \"default\"\n                topologyKey:\n
      \             weight: 1\n        nodeAffinity:\n          \n      securityContext:\n
      \       fsGroup: 1001\n        sysctls: []\n      containers:\n        - name:
      mongodb\n          image:\n          imagePullPolicy:
      \"IfNotPresent\"\n          securityContext:\n            runAsNonRoot: true\n
      \           runAsUser: 1001\n          env:\n            - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG\n
      \             value: \"false\"\n            - name: ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD\n              value:
      \"yes\"\n            - name: MONGODB_SYSTEM_LOG_VERBOSITY\n              value:
      \"0\"\n            - name: MONGODB_DISABLE_SYSTEM_LOG\n              value:
      \"no\"\n            - name: MONGODB_ENABLE_IPV6\n              value: \"no\"\n
      \           - name: MONGODB_ENABLE_DIRECTORY_PER_DB\n              value: \"no\"\n
      \         ports:\n            - name: mongodb\n              containerPort:
      27017\n          livenessProbe:\n            exec:\n              command:\n
      \               - mongo\n                - --disableImplicitSessions\n                -
      --eval\n                - \"db.adminCommand('ping')\"\n            initialDelaySeconds:
      30\n            periodSeconds: 10\n            timeoutSeconds: 5\n            successThreshold:
      1\n            failureThreshold: 6\n          readinessProbe:\n            exec:\n
      \             command:\n                - bash\n                - -ec\n                -
      |\n                  mongo --disableImplicitSessions $TLS_OPTIONS --eval 'db.hello().isWritablePrimary
      || db.hello().secondary' | grep -q 'true'\n            initialDelaySeconds:
      5\n            periodSeconds: 10\n            timeoutSeconds: 5\n            successThreshold:
      1\n            failureThreshold: 6\n          resources:\n            limits:
      {}\n            requests: {}\n          volumeMounts:\n            - name: datadir\n
      \             mountPath: /bitnami/mongodb/data/db/\n              subPath: \n
      \     volumes:\n  volumeClaimTemplates:\n    - metadata:\n        name: datadir\n
      \     spec:\n        accessModes:\n          - \"ReadWriteOnce\"\n        resources:\n
      \         requests:\n            storage: \"6Gi\"\n"
    mongodb/serviceaccount.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceAccount
        name: mongodb
        namespace: default
        - name: mongodb      
    mongodb/svc.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: mongodb
        namespace: default
        type: ClusterIP
          - name: mongodb
            port: 27017
            targetPort: mongodb
            nodePort: null
    namespace.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        name: example
    nrf/nrf-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:
      nrf-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n    app:
      free5gc\ndata:\n  nrfcfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.1\n      description:
      NRF initial local configuration\n    \n    configuration:\n      MongoDBName:
      free5gc\n      MongoDBUrl: mongodb://mongodb:27017\n\n      serviceNameList:\n
      \       - nnrf-nfm\n        - nnrf-disc\n\n      sbi:\n        scheme: http\n
      \       registerIPv4: nrf-nnrf  # IP used to serve NFs or register to another
      NRF\n        bindingIPv4:    # IP used to bind the service\n        port:
      8000\n        tls:\n          key: config/TLS/nrf.key\n          pem: config/TLS/nrf.pem\n
      \     DefaultPlmnId:\n        mcc: 208\n        mnc: 93\n\n    logger:\n      NRF:\n
      \       ReportCaller: false\n        debugLevel: info\n"
    nrf/nrf-deployment.yaml: "---\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: free5gc-nrf\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n
      \   project: free5gc\n    nf: nrf\nspec:\n  replicas: 1\n  selector:\n    matchLabels:\n
      \     project: free5gc\n      nf: nrf\n  template:\n    metadata:\n      labels:\n
      \       project: free5gc\n        nf: nrf\n    spec:\n      initContainers:\n
      \     - name: wait-mongo\n        image: busybox:1.32.0\n        env:\n        -
      name: DEPENDENCIES\n          value: mongodb:27017\n        command: [\"sh\",
      \"-c\", \"until nc -z $DEPENDENCIES; do echo waiting for the MongoDB; sleep
      2; done;\"]\n      containers:\n      - name: nrf\n        image: towards5gs/free5gc-nrf:v3.1.1\n
      \       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent\n        securityContext:\n            {}\n
      \       ports:\n        - containerPort: 8000\n        command: [\"./nrf\"]\n
      \       args: [\"-c\", \"../config/nrfcfg.yaml\"]\n        env: \n          -
      name: DB_URI\n            value: mongodb://mongodb/free5gc\n          - name:
      GIN_MODE\n            value: release\n        volumeMounts:\n        - mountPath:
      /free5gc/config/\n          name: nrf-volume\n        resources:\n            limits:\n
      \             cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n            requests:\n
      \             cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n        readinessProbe:\n
      \         initialDelaySeconds: 0\n          periodSeconds: 1\n          timeoutSeconds:
      1\n          failureThreshold:  40\n          successThreshold: 1\n          httpGet:\n
      \           scheme: \"HTTP\"\n            port: 8000\n        livenessProbe:\n
      \         initialDelaySeconds: 120\n          periodSeconds: 10\n          timeoutSeconds:
      10\n          failureThreshold: 3\n          successThreshold: 1\n          httpGet:\n
      \           scheme: \"HTTP\"\n            port: 8000\n      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst\n
      \     restartPolicy: Always\n\n      volumes:\n      - name: nrf-volume\n        projected:\n
      \         sources:\n          - configMap:\n              name: nrf-configmap\n"
    nrf/nrf-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: nrf-nnrf
          project: free5gc
          nf: nrf
        type: ClusterIP
          - port: 8000
            targetPort: 8000
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: nrf      
    nssf/nssf-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:
      nssf-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n    app:
      free5gc\ndata:\n  nssfcfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.1\n      description:
      NSSF initial local configuration\n\n    configuration:\n      serviceNameList:\n
      \       - nnssf-nsselection\n        - nnssf-nssaiavailability\n\n      sbi:\n
      \       scheme: http\n        registerIPv4: nssf-nnssf  # IP used to register
      to NRF\n        bindingIPv4:      # IP used to bind the service\n        port:
      80\n        tls:\n          key: config/TLS/nssf.key\n          pem: config/TLS/nssf.pem\n
      \     \n      nrfUri: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n      \n      nsiList:\n        -
      snssai:\n            sst: 1\n          nsiInformationList:\n            - nrfId:
      http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId: 10\n        -
      snssai:\n            sst: 1\n            sd: 1\n          nsiInformationList:\n
      \           - nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId:
      11\n        - snssai:\n            sst: 1\n            sd: 2\n          nsiInformationList:\n
      \           - nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId:
      12\n            - nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId:
      12\n        - snssai:\n            sst: 1\n            sd: 3\n          nsiInformationList:\n
      \           - nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId:
      13\n        - snssai:\n            sst: 2\n          nsiInformationList:\n            -
      nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId: 20\n
      \       - snssai:\n            sst: 2\n            sd: 1\n          nsiInformationList:\n
      \           - nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId:
      21\n        - snssai:\n            sst: 1\n            sd: 010203\n          nsiInformationList:\n
      \           - nrfId: http://nrf-nnrf:8000/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n              nsiId:
      22\n      amfSetList:\n        - amfSetId: 1\n          amfList:\n            -
      ffa2e8d7-3275-49c7-8631-6af1df1d9d26\n            - 0e8831c3-6286-4689-ab27-1e2161e15cb1\n
      \           - a1fba9ba-2e39-4e22-9c74-f749da571d0d\n          nrfAmfSet: http://nrf-nnrf:8081/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n
      \         supportedNssaiAvailabilityData:\n            - tai:\n                plmnId:\n
      \                 mcc: 466\n                  mnc: 92\n                tac:
      33456\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd:
      1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 2\n                - sst:
      2\n                  sd: 1\n            - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc:
      466\n                  mnc: 92\n                tac: 33457\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \               - sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n
      \               - sst: 1\n                  sd: 2\n        - amfSetId: 2\n          nrfAmfSet:
      http://nrf-nnrf:8084/nnrf-nfm/v1/nf-instances\n          supportedNssaiAvailabilityData:\n
      \           - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc: 466\n                  mnc:
      92\n                tac: 33456\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n                -
      sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n                -
      sst: 1\n                  sd: 3\n                - sst: 2\n                  sd:
      1\n            - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc: 466\n
      \                 mnc: 92\n                tac: 33458\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \               - sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n
      \               - sst: 2\n      nssfName: NSSF\n      supportedPlmnList:\n        -
      mcc: 208\n          mnc: 93\n      supportedNssaiInPlmnList:\n        - plmnId:\n
      \           mcc: 208\n            mnc: 93\n          supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \           - sst: 1\n              sd: 010203\n            - sst: 1\n              sd:
      112233\n            - sst: 1\n              sd: 3\n            - sst: 2\n              sd:
      1\n            - sst: 2\n              sd: 2\n      amfList:\n        - nfId:
      469de254-2fe5-4ca0-8381-af3f500af77c\n          supportedNssaiAvailabilityData:\n
      \           - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc: 466\n                  mnc:
      92\n                tac: 33456\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n                -
      sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 2\n                -
      sst: 2\n            - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc:
      466\n                  mnc: 92\n                tac: 33457\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \               - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n                - sst: 1\n
      \                 sd: 2\n        - nfId: fbe604a8-27b2-417e-bd7c-8a7be2691f8d\n
      \         supportedNssaiAvailabilityData:\n            - tai:\n                plmnId:\n
      \                 mcc: 466\n                  mnc: 92\n                tac:
      33458\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n                - sst: 1\n                -
      sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd:
      3\n                - sst: 2\n            - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc:
      466\n                  mnc: 92\n                tac: 33459\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \               - sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n
      \               - sst: 2\n                - sst: 2\n                  sd: 1\n
      \       - nfId: b9e6e2cb-5ce8-4cb6-9173-a266dd9a2f0c\n          supportedNssaiAvailabilityData:\n
      \           - tai:\n                plmnId:\n                  mcc: 466\n                  mnc:
      92\n                tac: 33456\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n                -
      sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n                -
      sst: 1\n                  sd: 2\n                - sst: 2\n            - tai:\n
      \               plmnId:\n                  mcc: 466\n                  mnc:
      92\n                tac: 33458\n              supportedSnssaiList:\n                -
      sst: 1\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 1\n                -
      sst: 2\n                - sst: 2\n                  sd: 1\n      taList:\n        -
      tai:\n            plmnId:\n              mcc: 466\n              mnc: 92\n            tac:
      33456\n          accessType: 3GPP_ACCESS\n          supportedSnssaiList:\n            -
      sst: 1\n            - sst: 1\n              sd: 1\n            - sst: 1\n              sd:
      2\n            - sst: 2\n        - tai:\n            plmnId:\n              mcc:
      466\n              mnc: 92\n            tac: 33457\n          accessType: 3GPP_ACCESS\n
      \         supportedSnssaiList:\n            - sst: 1\n            - sst: 1\n
      \             sd: 1\n            - sst: 1\n              sd: 2\n            -
      sst: 2\n        - tai:\n            plmnId:\n              mcc: 466\n              mnc:
      92\n            tac: 33458\n          accessType: 3GPP_ACCESS\n          supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \           - sst: 1\n            - sst: 1\n              sd: 1\n            -
      sst: 1\n              sd: 3\n            - sst: 2\n          restrictedSnssaiList:\n
      \           - homePlmnId:\n                mcc: 310\n                mnc: 560\n
      \             sNssaiList:\n                - sst: 1\n                  sd: 3\n
      \       - tai:\n            plmnId:\n              mcc: 466\n              mnc:
      92\n            tac: 33459\n          accessType: 3GPP_ACCESS\n          supportedSnssaiList:\n
      \           - sst: 1\n            - sst: 1\n              sd: 1\n            -
      sst: 2\n            - sst: 2\n              sd: 1\n          restrictedSnssaiList:\n
      \           - homePlmnId:\n                mcc: 310\n                mnc: 560\n
      \             sNssaiList:\n                - sst: 2\n                  sd: 1\n
      \     mappingListFromPlmn:\n        - operatorName: NTT Docomo\n          homePlmnId:\n
      \           mcc: 440\n            mnc: 10\n          mappingOfSnssai:\n            -
      servingSnssai:\n                sst: 1\n                sd: 1\n              homeSnssai:\n
      \               sst: 1\n                sd: 1\n            - servingSnssai:\n
      \               sst: 1\n                sd: 2\n              homeSnssai:\n                sst:
      1\n                sd: 3\n            - servingSnssai:\n                sst:
      1\n                sd: 3\n              homeSnssai:\n                sst: 1\n
      \               sd: 4\n            - servingSnssai:\n                sst: 2\n
      \               sd: 1\n              homeSnssai:\n                sst: 2\n                sd:
      2\n        - operatorName: AT&T Mobility\n          homePlmnId:\n            mcc:
      310\n            mnc: 560\n          mappingOfSnssai:\n            - servingSnssai:\n
      \               sst: 1\n                sd: 1\n              homeSnssai:\n                sst:
      1\n                sd: 2\n            - servingSnssai:\n                sst:
      1\n                sd: 2\n              homeSnssai:\n                sst: 1\n
      \               sd: 3      \n\n    logger:\n      NSSF:\n        ReportCaller:
      false\n        debugLevel: info\n"
    nssf/nssf-deployment.yaml: "---\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: free5gc-nssf\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n
      \   project: free5gc\n    nf: nssf\nspec:\n  replicas: 1\n  selector:\n    matchLabels:\n
      \     project: free5gc\n      nf: nssf\n  template:\n    metadata:\n      labels:\n
      \       project: free5gc\n        nf: nssf\n    spec:\n      initContainers:\n
      \     - name: wait-nrf\n        image: towards5gs/initcurl:1.0.0\n        env:\n
      \       - name: DEPENDENCIES\n          value: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n        command:
      ['sh', '-c', 'set -x; for dependency in $DEPENDENCIES; do while [ $(curl --insecure
      --connect-timeout 1 -s -o /dev/null -w \"%{http_code}\" $dependency) -ne 200
      ]; do echo waiting for dependencies; sleep 1; done; done;']\n\n      containers:\n
      \     - name: nssf\n        image: towards5gs/free5gc-nssf:v3.1.1\n        imagePullPolicy:
      IfNotPresent\n        securityContext:\n            {}\n        ports:\n        -
      containerPort: 80\n        command: [\"./nssf\"]\n        args: [\"-c\", \"../config/nssfcfg.yaml\"]\n
      \       env: \n          - name: GIN_MODE\n            value: release\n        volumeMounts:\n
      \       - mountPath: /free5gc/config/\n          name: nssf-volume\n        resources:\n
      \           limits:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \           requests:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \     dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst\n      restartPolicy: Always\n\n      volumes:\n
      \     - name: nssf-volume\n        projected:\n          sources:\n          -
      configMap:\n              name: nssf-configmap\n"
    nssf/nssf-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: nssf-nnssf
          project: free5gc
          nf: nssf
        type: ClusterIP
          - port: 80
            targetPort: 80
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: nssf      
    package-context.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: free5gc
        namespace: free5gc      
    pcf/pcf-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:
      pcf-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n    app:
      free5gc\ndata:\n  pcfcfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.1\n      description:
      PCF initial local configuration\n\n    configuration:\n      serviceList:\n
      \       - serviceName: npcf-am-policy-control\n        - serviceName: npcf-smpolicycontrol\n
      \         suppFeat: 3fff\n        - serviceName: npcf-bdtpolicycontrol\n        -
      serviceName: npcf-policyauthorization\n          suppFeat: 3\n        - serviceName:
      npcf-eventexposure\n        - serviceName: npcf-ue-policy-control\n\n      sbi:\n
      \       scheme: http\n        registerIPv4: pcf-npcf  # IP used to register
      to NRF\n        bindingIPv4:    # IP used to bind the service\n        port:
      80\n        tls:\n          key: config/TLS/pcf.key\n          pem: config/TLS/pcf.pem\n
      \     \n      mongodb:       # the mongodb connected by this PCF\n        name:
      free5gc                  # name of the mongodb\n        url: mongodb://mongodb:27017
      # a valid URL of the mongodb\n      \n      nrfUri: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n      pcfName:
      PCF\n      timeFormat: 2019-01-02 15:04:05\n      defaultBdtRefId: BdtPolicyId-\n
      \     locality: area1\n\n    logger:\n      PCF:\n        ReportCaller: false\n
      \       debugLevel: info\n"
    pcf/pcf-deployment.yaml: |
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: free5gc-pcf
          project: free5gc
          nf: pcf
        replicas: 1
            project: free5gc
            nf: pcf
              project: free5gc
              nf: pcf
            - name: wait-nrf
              image: towards5gs/initcurl:1.0.0
              - name: DEPENDENCIES
                value: http://nrf-nnrf:8000
              command: ['sh', '-c', 'set -x; for dependency in $DEPENDENCIES; do while [ $(curl --insecure --connect-timeout 1 -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" $dependency) -ne 200 ]; do echo waiting for dependencies; sleep 1; done; done;']

            - name: pcf
              image: towards5gs/free5gc-pcf:v3.1.1
              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              - containerPort: 80
              command: ["./pcf"]
              args: ["-c", "../config/pcfcfg.yaml"]
                - name: GIN_MODE
                  value: release
              - mountPath: /free5gc/config/
                name: pcf-volume
                    cpu: 100m
                    memory: 128Mi
                    cpu: 100m
                    memory: 128Mi
            dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
            restartPolicy: Always

            - name: pcf-volume
                - configMap:
                    name: pcf-configmap      
    pcf/pcf-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: pcf-npcf
          project: free5gc
          nf: pcf
        type: ClusterIP
          - port: 80
            targetPort: 80
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: pcf      
    udm/udm-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:
      udm-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n    app:
      free5gc\ndata:\n  udmcfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.2\n      description:
      UDM initial local configuration\n\n    configuration:\n      serviceNameList:\n
      \       - nudm-sdm\n        - nudm-uecm\n        - nudm-ueau\n        - nudm-ee\n
      \       - nudm-pp\n      \n      sbi:\n        scheme: http\n        registerIPv4:
      udm-nudm # IP used to register to NRF\n        bindingIPv4:  # IP used
      to bind the service\n        port: 80\n        tls:\n          key: config/TLS/udm.key\n
      \         pem: config/TLS/udm.pem\n      \n      nrfUri: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n
      \     # test data set from TS33501-f60 Annex C.4\n      SuciProfile:\n        -
      ProtectionScheme: 1 # Protect Scheme: Profile A\n          PrivateKey: c53c22208b61860b06c62e5406a7b330c2b577aa5558981510d128247d38bd1d\n
      \         PublicKey: 5a8d38864820197c3394b92613b20b91633cbd897119273bf8e4a6f4eec0a650\n
      \       - ProtectionScheme: 2 # Protect Scheme: Profile B\n          PrivateKey:
      F1AB1074477EBCC7F554EA1C5FC368B1616730155E0041AC447D6301975FECDA\n          PublicKey:
      \   logger:\n      UDM:\n        ReportCaller: false\n        debugLevel: info\n"
    udm/udm-deployment.yaml: "---\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: free5gc-udm\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n
      \   project: free5gc\n    nf: udm\nspec:\n  replicas: 1\n  selector:\n    matchLabels:\n
      \     project: free5gc\n      nf: udm\n  template:\n    metadata:\n      labels:\n
      \       project: free5gc\n        nf: udm\n    spec:\n      initContainers:\n
      \     - name: wait-nrf\n        image: towards5gs/initcurl:1.0.0\n        env:\n
      \       - name: DEPENDENCIES\n          value: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n        command:
      ['sh', '-c', 'set -x; for dependency in $DEPENDENCIES; do while [ $(curl --insecure
      --connect-timeout 1 -s -o /dev/null -w \"%{http_code}\" $dependency) -ne 200
      ]; do echo waiting for dependencies; sleep 1; done; done;']\n\n      containers:\n
      \     - name: udm\n        image: towards5gs/free5gc-udm:v3.1.1\n        imagePullPolicy:
      IfNotPresent\n        ports:\n        - containerPort: 80\n        command:
      [\"./udm\"]\n        args: [\"-c\", \"../config/udmcfg.yaml\"]\n        env:
      \n          - name: GIN_MODE\n            value: release\n        volumeMounts:\n
      \       - mountPath: /free5gc/config/\n          name: udm-volume\n        resources:\n
      \           limits:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \           requests:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \     dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst\n      restartPolicy: Always\n\n      volumes:\n
      \     - name: udm-volume\n        projected:\n          sources:\n          -
      configMap:\n              name: udm-configmap\n"
    udm/udm-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: udm-nudm
          project: free5gc
          nf: udm
        type: ClusterIP
          - port: 80
            targetPort: 80
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: udm      
    udr/udr-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n  name:
      udr-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n    app:
      free5gc\ndata:\n  udrcfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.1\n      description:
      UDR initial local configuration\n\n    configuration:\n      sbi:\n        scheme:
      http\n        registerIPv4: udr-nudr # IP used to register to NRF\n        bindingIPv4:  # IP used to bind the service\n        port: 80\n        tls:\n          key:
      config/TLS/udr.key\n          pem: config/TLS/udr.pem\n\n      mongodb:\n        name:
      free5gc\n        url: mongodb://mongodb:27017       \n      \n      nrfUri:
      http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n\n    logger:\n      MongoDBLibrary:\n        ReportCaller:
      false\n        debugLevel: info\n      OpenApi:\n        ReportCaller: false\n
      \       debugLevel: info\n      PathUtil:\n        ReportCaller: false\n        debugLevel:
      info\n      UDR:\n        ReportCaller: false\n        debugLevel: info\n"
    udr/udr-deployment.yaml: "---\napiVersion: apps/v1\nkind: Deployment\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: free5gc-udr\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n
      \   project: free5gc\n    nf: udr\nspec:\n  replicas: 1\n  selector:\n    matchLabels:\n
      \     project: free5gc\n      nf: udr\n  template:\n    metadata:\n      labels:\n
      \       project: free5gc\n        nf: udr\n    spec:\n      initContainers:\n
      \     - name: wait-nrf\n        image: towards5gs/initcurl:1.0.0\n        env:\n
      \       - name: DEPENDENCIES\n          value: http://nrf-nnrf:8000\n        command:
      ['sh', '-c', 'set -x; for dependency in $DEPENDENCIES; do while [ $(curl --insecure
      --connect-timeout 1 -s -o /dev/null -w \"%{http_code}\" $dependency) -ne 200
      ]; do echo waiting for dependencies; sleep 1; done; done;']\n\n      containers:\n
      \     - name: udr\n        image: towards5gs/free5gc-udr:v3.1.1\n        imagePullPolicy:
      IfNotPresent\n        ports:\n        - containerPort: 80\n        command:
      [\"./udr\"]\n        args: [\"-c\", \"../config/udrcfg.yaml\"]\n        env:
      \n          - name: DB_URI\n            value: mongodb://mongodb/free5gc\n          -
      name: GIN_MODE\n            value: release\n        volumeMounts:\n        -
      mountPath: /free5gc/config/\n          name: udr-volume\n        resources:\n
      \           limits:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \           requests:\n              cpu: 100m\n              memory: 128Mi\n
      \     dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst\n      restartPolicy: Always\n\n      volumes:\n
      \     - name: udr-volume\n        projected:\n          sources:\n          -
      configMap:\n              name: udr-configmap\n"
    udr/udr-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: udr-nudr
          project: free5gc
          nf: udr
        type: ClusterIP
          - port: 80
            targetPort: 80
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: udr      
    webui/webui-configmap.yaml: "---\napiVersion: v1\nkind: ConfigMap\nmetadata:\n
      \ name: webui-configmap\n  labels:\n \"v3.1.1\"\n
      \   app: free5gc\ndata:\n  webuicfg.yaml: |\n    info:\n      version: 1.0.0\n
      \     description: WEBUI initial local configuration\n\n    configuration:\n
      \     mongodb:\n        name: free5gc\n        url: mongodb://mongodb:27017\n
      \       \n    logger:\n      WEBUI:\n        ReportCaller: false\n        debugLevel:
    webui/webui-deployment.yaml: |
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: free5gc-webui
          project: free5gc
          nf: webui
        replicas: 1
            project: free5gc
            nf: webui
              project: free5gc
              nf: webui
            - name: wait-mongo
              image: busybox:1.32.0
              - name: DEPENDENCIES
                value: mongodb:27017
              command: ["sh", "-c", "until nc -z $DEPENDENCIES; do echo waiting for the MongoDB; sleep 2; done;"]
            - name: webui
              image: towards5gs/free5gc-webui:v3.1.1
              imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
              - containerPort: 5000
              command: ["./webconsole"]
              args: ["-c", "../config/webuicfg.yaml"]
                - name: GIN_MODE
                  value: release
              - mountPath: /free5gc/config/
                name: webui-volume
                    cpu: 100m
                    memory: 128Mi
                    cpu: 100m
                    memory: 128Mi
                initialDelaySeconds: 0
                periodSeconds: 1
                timeoutSeconds: 1
                failureThreshold:  40
                successThreshold: 1
                  scheme: HTTP
                  port: 5000
                initialDelaySeconds: 120
                periodSeconds: 10
                timeoutSeconds: 10
                failureThreshold: 3
                successThreshold: 1
                  scheme: HTTP
                  port: 5000
            dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
            restartPolicy: Always

            - name: webui-volume
                - configMap:
                    name: webui-configmap      
    webui/webui-service.yaml: |
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
        name: webui-service
          project: free5gc
          nf: webui
        type: NodePort
          - port: 5000
            targetPort: 5000
            nodePort: 30500
            protocol: TCP
            name: http
          project: free5gc
          nf: webui      
  revision: v1
  workspaceName: v1
    error: ""
      exitCode: 0
        creationTimestamp: null

The porchctl command

The porchtcl command is an administration command for acting on Porch Repository (repo) and PackageRevision (rpkg) CRs. See its documentation for usage information.

Check that porchctl lists our repos:

porchctl repo -n porch-demo get
edge1                 git    Package   true         True
external-blueprints   git    Package   false        True
management            git    Package   false        True
Check that porchctl lists our remote packages (PackageRevisions):
porchctl rpkg -n porch-demo get
NAME                                                           PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
external-blueprints-922121d0bcdd56bfa8cae6c375720e2b5f358ab0   free5gc-cp           main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-dabbc422fdf0b8e5942e767d929b524e25f7eef9   free5gc-cp           v1              v1         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-716aae722092dbbb9470e56079b90ad76ec8f0d5   free5gc-operator     main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-d65dc89f7a2472650651e9aea90edfcc81a9afc6   free5gc-operator     v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-9fee880e8fa52066f052c9cae7aac2e2bc1b5a54   free5gc-operator     v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-91d60ee31d2d0a1a6d5f1807593d5419434accd3   free5gc-operator     v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-21f19a0641cf520e7dc6268e64c58c2c30c27036   free5gc-operator     v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-bf2e7522ee92680bd49571ab309e3f61320cf36d   free5gc-operator     v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-c1b9ecb73118e001ab1d1213e6a2c94ab67a0939   free5gc-upf          main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-5d48b1516e7b1ea15830ffd76b230862119981bd   free5gc-upf          v1              v1         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-ed97798b46b36d135cf23d813eccad4857dff90f   pkg-example-amf-bp   main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-ed744bfdf4a4d15d4fcf3c46fde27fd6ac32d180   pkg-example-amf-bp   v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-5489faa80782f91f1a07d04e206935d14c1eb24c   pkg-example-amf-bp   v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-16e2255bd433ef532684a3c1434ae0bede175107   pkg-example-amf-bp   v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-7689cc6c953fa83ea61283983ce966dcdffd9bae   pkg-example-amf-bp   v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-caff9609883eea7b20b73b7425e6694f8eb6adc3   pkg-example-amf-bp   v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-00b6673c438909975548b2b9f20c2e1663161815   pkg-example-smf-bp   main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-4f7dfbede99dc08f2b5144ca550ca218109c52f2   pkg-example-smf-bp   v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-3d9ab8f61ce1d35e264d5719d4b3c0da1ab02328   pkg-example-smf-bp   v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-2006501702e105501784c78be9e7d57e426d85e8   pkg-example-smf-bp   v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-c97ed7c13b3aa47cb257217f144960743aec1253   pkg-example-smf-bp   v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-3bd78e46b014dac5cc0c58788c1820d043d61569   pkg-example-smf-bp   v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-c3f660848d9d7a4df5481ec2e06196884778cd84   pkg-example-upf-bp   main            main       false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-4cb00a17c1ee2585d6c187ba4d0211da960c0940   pkg-example-upf-bp   v1              v1         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-5903efe295026124e6fea926df154a72c5bd1ea9   pkg-example-upf-bp   v2              v2         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-16142d8d23c1b8e868a9524a1b21634c79b432d5   pkg-example-upf-bp   v3              v3         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-60ef45bb8f55b63556e7467f16088325022a7ece   pkg-example-upf-bp   v4              v4         false    Published   external-blueprints
external-blueprints-7757966cc7b965f1b9372370a4b382c8375a2b40   pkg-example-upf-bp   v5              v5         true     Published   external-blueprints

The output above is similar to the output of kubectl get packagerevision -n porch-demo above.

Creating a blueprint in Porch

Blueprint with no Kpt pipelines

Create a new package in our management repo using the sample network-function package provided. This network function kpt package is a demo Kpt package that installs nginx.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg init network-function --repository=management --workspace=v1
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82 created
porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function
NAME                                                  PACKAGE            WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82   network-function   v1                         false    Draft       management

This command creates a new PackageRevision CR in porch and also creates a branch called network-function/v1 in our gitea management repo. Use the Gitea web UI to confirm that the branch has been created and note that it only has default content as yet.

We now pull the package we have initialized from Porch.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg pull management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82 blueprints/initialized/network-function

We update the initialized package and add our local changes.

cp blueprints/local-changes/network-function/* blueprints/initialized/network-function 

Now, we push the package contents to porch:

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg push management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82 blueprints/initialized/network-function

Check on the Gitea web UI and we can see that the actual package contents have been pushed.

Now we propose and approve the package.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg propose management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82 proposed

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function                                
NAME                                                  PACKAGE            WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82   network-function   v1                         false    Proposed    management

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg approve management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82 approved

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function                                
NAME                                                  PACKAGE            WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82   network-function   v1              v1         true     Published   management

Once we approve the package, the package is merged into the main branch in the management repo and the branch called network-function/v1 in that repo is removed. Use the Gitea UI to verify this. We now have our blueprint package in our management repo and we can deploy this package into workload clusters.

Blueprint with a Kpt pipeline

The second blueprint blueprint in the blueprint directory is called network-function-auto-namespace. This network function is exactly the same as the network-function package except that it has a Kpt function that automatically creates a namespace with the namespace configured in the name field in the package-context.yaml file. Note that no namespace is defined in the metadata of the deployment.yaml file of this Kpt package.

We use the same sequence of commands again to publish our blueprint package for network-function-auto-namespace.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg init network-function-auto-namespace --repository=management --workspace=v1
management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3 created

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg pull management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3 blueprints/initialized/network-function-auto-namespace

cp blueprints/local-changes/network-function-auto-namespace/* blueprints/initialized/network-function-auto-namespace

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg push management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3 blueprints/initialized/network-function-auto-namespace

Examine the drafts/network-function-auto-namespace/v1 branch in Gitea. Notice that the set-namespace Kpt finction in the pipeline in the Kptfile has set the namespace in the deployment.yaml file to the value default-namespace-name, which it read from the package-context.yaml file.

Now we propose and approve the package.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg propose management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3
management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3 proposed

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg approve management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3
management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3 approved

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function-auto-namespace
NAME                                                  PACKAGE                           WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
management-f9a6f2802111b9e81c296422c03aae279725f6df   network-function-auto-namespace   v1              main       false    Published   management
management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3   network-function-auto-namespace   v1              v1         true     Published   management

Deploying a blueprint onto a workload cluster

Blueprint with no Kpt pipelines

The process of deploying a blueprint package from our management repo clones the package, then modifies it for use on the workload cluster. The cloned package is then initialized, pushed, proposed, and approved onto the edge1 repo. Remember that the edge1 repo is being monitored by Configsync from the edge1 cluster, so once the package appears in the edge1 repo on the management cluster, it will be pulled by Configsync and applied to the edge1 cluster.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg pull management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a.clone.tmp

find tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a.clone.tmp


The package we created in the last section is cloned. We now remove the original metadata from the package.

rm tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a.clone.tmp/.KptRevisionMetadata

We use a kpt function to change the namespace that will be used for the deployment of the network function.

kpt fn eval tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a.clone.tmp -- namespace=edge1-network-function-a 

[PASS] "" in 300ms
    [info]: namespace "" updated to "edge1-network-function-a", 1 value(s) changed

We now initialize and push the package to the edge1 repo:

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg init edge1-network-function-a --repository=edge1 --workspace=v1
edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3 created

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg pull edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a

cp tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a.clone.tmp/* tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a
rm -fr tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a.clone.tmp

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg push edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-a

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name edge1-network-function-a
NAME                                             PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3   network-function-a   v1                         false    Draft       edge1

You can verify that the package is in the network-function-a/v1 branch of the deployment repo using the Gitea web UI.

Check that the edge1-network-function-a package is not deployed on the edge1 cluster yet:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-a
No resources found in network-function-a namespace.

We now propose and approve the deployment package, which merges the package to the edge1 repo and further triggers Configsync to apply the package to the edge1 cluster.

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-management-config

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg propose edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3
edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3 proposed

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg approve edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3
edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3 approved

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name edge1-network-function-a
NAME                                             PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-d701be9b849b8b8724a6e052cbc74ca127b737c3   network-function-a   v1              v1         true     Published   edge1

We can now check that the network-function-a package is deployed on the edge1 cluster and that the pod is running

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-a
No resources found in network-function-a namespace.

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-a
NAME                               READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
network-function-9779fc9f5-4rqp2   1/1     ContainerCreating   0          9s

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-a
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
network-function-9779fc9f5-4rqp2   1/1     Running   0          44s

Blueprint with a Kpt pipeline

The process for deploying a blueprint with a Kpt pipeline runs the Kpt pipeline automatically with whatever configuration we give it. Rather than explicitly running a Kpt function to change the namespace, we will specify the namespace as configuration and the pipeline will apply it to the deployment.

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg pull management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a.clone.tmp

find tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a.clone.tmp


We now remove the original metadata from the package.

rm tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a.clone.tmp/.KptRevisionMetadata

The package we created in the last section is cloned. We now initialize and push the package to the edge1 repo:

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg init edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a --repository=edge1 --workspace=v1
edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180 created

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg pull edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a

cp tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a.clone.tmp/* tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
rm -fr tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a.clone.tmp

We now simply configure the namespace we want to apply. edit the tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a/package-context.yaml file and set the namespace to use:

<   name: default-namespace-name
>   name: edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a

We now push the package to the edge1 repo:

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg push edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
[PASS] ""
    [info]: namespace "default-namespace-name" updated to "edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a", 1 value(s) changed

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a

You can verify that the package is in the network-function-auto-namespace-a/v1 branch of the deployment repo using the Gitea web UI. You can see that the kpt pipeline fired and set the edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a namespace in the deployment.yaml file on the drafts/edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a/v1 branch on the edge1 repo in gitea.

Check that the edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a package is not deployed on the edge1 cluster yet:

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
No resources found in network-function-auto-namespace-a namespace.

We now propose and approve the deployment package, which merges the package to the edge1 repo and further triggers Configsync to apply the package to the edge1 cluster.

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-management-config

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg propose edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180
edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180 proposed

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg approve edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180
edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180 approved

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
NAME                                             PACKAGE                                   WORKSPACENAME   REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180   edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a   v1              v1         true     Published   edge1

We can now check that the network-function-auto-namespace-a package is deployed on the edge1 cluster and that the pod is running

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
No resources found in network-function-auto-namespace-a namespace.

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
NAME                                               READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6   1/1     ContainerCreating   0          3s

kubectl get pod -n edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a
NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6   1/1     Running   0          10s

Deploying using Package Variant Sets

Simple PackageVariantSet

The PackageVariant CR is defined as:

kind: PackageVariantSet

  name: network-function
  namespace: porch-demo

    repo: management
    package: network-function
    revision: v1
  -  repositories:
      - name: edge1
        - network-function-b
        - network-function-c

In this very simple PackageVariant, the network-function package in the management repo is cloned into the edge1 repo as the network-function-b and network-function-c package variants.

Applying the PackageVariantSet creates the new packages as draft packages:

kubectl apply -f simple-variant.yaml

kubectl get PackageRevisions -n porch-demo | grep -v 'external-blueprints'
NAME                                                           PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME      REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-bc8294d121360ad305c9a826a8734adcf5f1b9c0                 network-function-a   v1                 main       false    Published   edge1
edge1-9b4b4d99c43b5c5c8489a47bbce9a61f79904946                 network-function-a   v1                 v1         true     Published   edge1
edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a                 network-function-b   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1
edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4                 network-function-c   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1
management-49580fc22bcf3bf51d334a00b6baa41df597219e            network-function     v1                 main       false    Published   management
management-8b80738a6e0707e3718ae1db3668d0b8ca3f1c82            network-function     v1                 v1         true     Published   management

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function-b
NAME                                             PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME      REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a   network-function-b   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function-c
NAME                                             PACKAGE              WORKSPACENAME      REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4   network-function-c   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1

We can see that our two new packages are created as draft packages on the edge1 repo. We can also examine the PacakgeVariant CRs that have been created:

kubectl get PackageVariant -n porch-demo
NAMESPACE                      NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
network-function-a             network-function-9779fc9f5-2tswc                    1/1     Running   0               19h
network-function-b             network-function-9779fc9f5-6zwhh                    1/1     Running   0               76s
network-function-c             network-function-9779fc9f5-h7nsb                    1/1     Running   0               41s

It is also interesting to examine the yaml of the PackageVariant:

kubectl get PackageVariant -n porch-demo -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: PackageVariant
    creationTimestamp: "2024-01-09T15:00:00Z"
    generation: 1
    labels: a923d4fc-a3a7-437c-84d1-52b30dd6cf49
    name: network-function-edge1-network-function-b
    namespace: porch-demo
    - apiVersion:
      controller: true
      kind: PackageVariantSet
      name: network-function
      uid: a923d4fc-a3a7-437c-84d1-52b30dd6cf49
    resourceVersion: "237053"
    uid: 7a81099c-5a0b-49d8-b73c-48e33cd134e5
      package: network-function-b
      repo: edge1
      package: network-function
      repo: management
      revision: v1
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-09T15:00:00Z"
      message: all validation checks passed
      reason: Valid
      status: "False"
      type: Stalled
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-09T15:00:31Z"
      message: successfully ensured downstream package variant
      reason: NoErrors
      status: "True"
      type: Ready
    - name: edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a
- apiVersion:
  kind: PackageVariant
    creationTimestamp: "2024-01-09T15:00:00Z"
    generation: 1
    labels: a923d4fc-a3a7-437c-84d1-52b30dd6cf49
    name: network-function-edge1-network-function-c
    namespace: porch-demo
    - apiVersion:
      controller: true
      kind: PackageVariantSet
      name: network-function
      uid: a923d4fc-a3a7-437c-84d1-52b30dd6cf49
    resourceVersion: "237056"
    uid: da037d0a-9a7a-4e85-842c-1324e9da819a
      package: network-function-c
      repo: edge1
      package: network-function
      repo: management
      revision: v1
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-09T15:00:01Z"
      message: all validation checks passed
      reason: Valid
      status: "False"
      type: Stalled
    - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-09T15:00:31Z"
      message: successfully ensured downstream package variant
      reason: NoErrors
      status: "True"
      type: Ready
    - name: edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""

We now want to customize and deploy our two packages. To do this we must pull the pacakges locally, render the kpt functions, and then push the rendered packages back up to the edge1 repo.

porchctl rpkg pull edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-b --namespace=porch-demo
kpt fn eval tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-b -- namespace=network-function-b
porchctl rpkg push edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-b --namespace=porch-demo

porchctl rpkg pull edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-c --namespace=porch-demo
kpt fn eval tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-c -- namespace=network-function-c
porchctl rpkg push edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4 tmp_packages_for_deployment/edge1-network-function-c --namespace=porch-demo

Check that the namespace has been updated on the two packages in the edge1 repo using the Gitea web UI.

Now our two packages are ready for deployment:

porchctl rpkg propose edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a proposed

porchctl rpkg approve edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-a31b56c7db509652f00724dd49746660757cd98a approved

porchctl rpkg propose edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4 --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4 proposed

porchctl rpkg approve edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4 --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-ee14f7ce850ddb0a380cf201d86f48419dc291f4 approved

We can now check that the network-function-b and network-function-c packages are deployed on the edge1 cluster and that the pods are running

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                      NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
network-function-a             network-function-9779fc9f5-2tswc                    1/1     Running   0               19h
network-function-b             network-function-9779fc9f5-6zwhh                    1/1     Running   0               76s
network-function-c             network-function-9779fc9f5-h7nsb                    1/1     Running   0               41s

Using a PackageVariantSet to automatically set the package name and package namespace

The PackageVariant CR defined as:

kind: PackageVariantSet
  name: network-function-auto-namespace
  namespace: porch-demo
    repo: management
    package: network-function-auto-namespace
    revision: v1
  - repositories:
    - name: edge1
      - network-function-auto-namespace-x
      - network-function-auto-namespace-y
        packageExpr: "target.package + '-cumulonimbus'"

In this PackageVariant, the network-function-auto-namespace package in the management repo is cloned into the edge1 repo as the network-function-auto-namespace-x and network-function-auto-namespace-y package variants, similar to the PackageVariant in simple-variant.yaml.

An extra template section provided for the repositories in the PackageVariant:

    packageExpr: "target.package + '-cumulus'"

This template means that each package in the spec.targets.repositories..packageNames list will have the suffix -cumulus added to its name. This allows us to automatically generate unique package names. Applying the PackageVariantSet also automatically sets a unique namespace for each network function because applying the PackageVariantSet automatically triggers the Kpt pipeline in the network-function-auto-namespace Kpt package to gerenate unique namespaces for each deployed package.

Applying the PackageVariantSet creates the new packages as draft packages:

kubectl apply -f name-namespace-variant.yaml created

kunectl get -n porch-demo PackageVariantSet network-function-auto-namespace
NAME                              AGE
network-function-auto-namespace   38s

kubectl get PackageRevisions -n porch-demo | grep auto-namespace
edge1-1f521f05a684adfa8562bf330f7bc72b50e21cc5                 edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          v1                 main       false    Published   edge1
edge1-48997da49ca0a733b0834c1a27943f1a0e075180                 edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          v1                 v1         true     Published   edge1
edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c                 network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1
edge1-77dbfed49b6cb0723b7c672b224de04c0cead67e                 network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1
management-f9a6f2802111b9e81c296422c03aae279725f6df            network-function-auto-namespace                  v1                 main       false    Published   management
management-c97bc433db93f2e8a3d413bed57216c2a72fc7e3            network-function-auto-namespace                  v1                 v1         true     Published   management

Examine the edge1 repo on Giea and you should see two new draft branches.

  • drafts/network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus/packagevariant-1
  • drafts/network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus/packagevariant-1

In these packages, you will see that:

  1. The package name has been generated as network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus and network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbusin all files in the packages
  2. The namespace has been generated as network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus and network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus respectively in the demployment.yaml files
  3. The PackageVariant has set the field as network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus and network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus respectively in the pckage-context.yaml files

This has all been performed automatically; we have not had to perform the porchctl rpkg pull/kpt fn render/porchctl rpkg push combination of commands to make these chages as we had to in the simple-variant.yaml case above.

Now, let us explore the packages further:

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus
NAME                                             PACKAGE                                          WORKSPACENAME      REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c   network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1

porchctl -n porch-demo rpkg get --name network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus
NAME                                             PACKAGE                                          WORKSPACENAME      REVISION   LATEST   LIFECYCLE   REPOSITORY
edge1-77dbfed49b6cb0723b7c672b224de04c0cead67e   network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus   packagevariant-1              false    Draft       edge1

We can see that our two new packages are created as draft packages on the edge1 repo. We can also examine the PacakgeVariant CRs that have been created:

kubectl get PackageVariant -n porch-demo
NAME                                                              AGE
network-function-auto-namespace-edge1-network-function-35079f9f   3m41s
network-function-auto-namespace-edge1-network-function-d521d2c0   3m41s
network-function-edge1-network-function-b                         38m
network-function-edge1-network-function-c                         38m

It is also interesting to examine the yaml of a PackageVariant:

kubectl get PackageVariant -n porch-demo network-function-auto-namespace-edge1-network-function-35079f9f -o yaml
kind: PackageVariant
  creationTimestamp: "2024-01-24T15:10:19Z"
  generation: 1
  labels: 71edbdff-21c1-45f4-b9cb-6d2ecfc3da4e
  name: network-function-auto-namespace-edge1-network-function-35079f9f
  namespace: porch-demo
  - apiVersion:
    controller: true
    kind: PackageVariantSet
    name: network-function-auto-namespace
    uid: 71edbdff-21c1-45f4-b9cb-6d2ecfc3da4e
  resourceVersion: "404083"
  uid: 5ae69c2d-6aac-4942-b717-918325650190
    package: network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus
    repo: edge1
    package: network-function-auto-namespace
    repo: management
    revision: v1
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-24T15:10:19Z"
    message: all validation checks passed
    reason: Valid
    status: "False"
    type: Stalled
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-24T15:10:49Z"
    message: successfully ensured downstream package variant
    reason: NoErrors
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - name: edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c

Our two packages are ready for deployment:

porchctl rpkg propose edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c proposed

porchctl rpkg approve edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-009659a8532552b86263434f68618554e12f4f7c approved

porchctl rpkg propose edge1-77dbfed49b6cb0723b7c672b224de04c0cead67e --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-77dbfed49b6cb0723b7c672b224de04c0cead67e proposed

porchctl rpkg approve edge1-77dbfed49b6cb0723b7c672b224de04c0cead67e --namespace=porch-demo
edge1-77dbfed49b6cb0723b7c672b224de04c0cead67e approved

We can now check that the packages are deployed on the edge1 cluster and that the pods are running

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kind-edge1-config

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                                 NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
edge1-network-function-a                  network-function-9779fc9f5-87scj                    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
network-function-b                        network-function-9779fc9f5-twh2g                    1/1     Running   0              45m
network-function-c                        network-function-9779fc9f5-whhr8                    1/1     Running   0              44m

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                                        NAME                                                READY   STATUS              RESTARTS       AGE
edge1-network-function-a                         network-function-9779fc9f5-87scj                    1/1     Running             1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6    1/1     Running             1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-86gml    0/1     ContainerCreating   0              1s
network-function-b                               network-function-9779fc9f5-twh2g                    1/1     Running             0              45m
network-function-c                               network-function-9779fc9f5-whhr8                    1/1     Running             0              44m

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                                        NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
edge1-network-function-a                         network-function-9779fc9f5-87scj                    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-86gml    1/1     Running   0              10s
network-function-b                               network-function-9779fc9f5-twh2g                    1/1     Running   0              45m
network-function-c                               network-function-9779fc9f5-whhr8                    1/1     Running   0              45m

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                                        NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
edge1-network-function-a                         network-function-9779fc9f5-87scj                    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-86gml    1/1     Running   0              50s
network-function-b                               network-function-9779fc9f5-twh2g                    1/1     Running   0              46m
network-function-c                               network-function-9779fc9f5-whhr8                    1/1     Running   0              45m

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                                        NAME                                                READY   STATUS              RESTARTS       AGE
edge1-network-function-a                         network-function-9779fc9f5-87scj                    1/1     Running             1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6    1/1     Running             1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-86gml    1/1     Running             0              51s
network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-tp5m8    0/1     ContainerCreating   0              1s
network-function-b                               network-function-9779fc9f5-twh2g                    1/1     Running             0              46m
network-function-c                               network-function-9779fc9f5-whhr8                    1/1     Running             0              45m

kubectl get pod -A | egrep '(NAMESPACE|network-function)'
NAMESPACE                                        NAME                                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
edge1-network-function-a                         network-function-9779fc9f5-87scj                    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
edge1-network-function-auto-namespace-a          network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-rbzt6    1/1     Running   1 (2d1h ago)   4d22h
network-function-auto-namespace-x-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-86gml    1/1     Running   0              54s
network-function-auto-namespace-y-cumulonimbus   network-function-auto-namespace-85bc658d67-tp5m8    1/1     Running   0              4s
network-function-b                               network-function-9779fc9f5-twh2g                    1/1     Running   0              46m
network-function-c                               network-function-9779fc9f5-whhr8                    1/1     Running   0              45m